Saturday, 7 May 2016

Jarle Bernhoft & Rohey at Jazzfest

Norwegian Grammy nominated R&B/Soul artist Jarle Bernhoft just played at Jazzfest in Trondheim. Berhoft brought his new cream-of-the-crops band 'The Fashion Bruises', and delivered fresh material from his new EP Stop / Shutup / Shout It Out’ along with other well known material. The concert was meant to be held at a downtown hotel-venue, but thanks to a strike amongst the employees it got moved to Olavshallen’s grand concert-hall. Thank God for the strike! The largest and best venue in town!

As a warm-up act, Bernhoft had asked the relatively new band Rohey to join him. They met when both played at Scandinavian Soul Music Awards 2016 in Stockholm. Bernhoft got so impressed he asked them to open for him in Trondheim. The band is currently students at the well renown Jazz-stream at the music conservatory at NTNU University in Trondheim.

Rohey’s music is in an R&B/Jazz/Neo-Soul landscape, with a potent mix of tight grooves and soulful melodies. The lovely and energetic Rohey Taalah fronts the band with her amazing voice. In my ears she has elements of Amy Winehouse’s powerful highs, some undefined Erykah Badu-ian soulfulness and a strong velvety alto-depth. But like every great vocalist, it’s hard to really compare her to anyone. Bernhoft got her back up on stage during the concert for a duet. A highlight! The band may still be in University, but their level is world-class. Rohey is just about to release new music, so keep watching their Facebook for announcements.

Bernhoft should need no further introduction, and if introduction is needed, others online have done a better job than me already. The level of musicianship and entertainment is high enough that I’ll just skip writing about it. All I’ll say is that the night couldn’t have gotten any better! Though I strongly encourage you to go and listen to Bernhoft’s new EP, let me skip back to one of his older tracks ‘Streetlights’ which was played during the night. Musicianship aside, I cannot commend him enough for setting the focus on human-trafficking — one of the true growing diseases of our age! Like Bernhoft, I’d like to encourage people to take a stand!

A truly great night in Trondheim!

Where they’re at:

Photos by: Fredrik Thommesen & yours truly.

Rohey kicking off the concert

Bernhoft and Rohey Taalah

More from YouTube

Jarle Berhoft performing 'Streetlights':

Rohey Taalah and Torstein Fosmo singing with
NTNU Jazz Ensemble & NTNU Chamber Orchestra:

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