Tuesday 7 January 2014

Programming Wedding Music in Malawi

I just had the fabulous pleasure of going to a wedding in Malawi where two of my friends tied the knot! It was a two day event with a traditional ceremony on the first day, and the Church-wedding and official dinner on the second (not that we lacked food at any time outside the official dinner though! #AfricanHospitality). I did the programming of the music for the dinner and had been working closely with the couple for a while to develop a playlist that would represent the vibes they wanted. 
The list stretches from jazz through James Brown to contemporary R’n B, African popular music and more. I’ve attached the playlist on the pictures below if you’re looking to get married, or just need some playlist inspiration!

I also had the fun of working alongside a local DJ. Him and his crew did the music for the Berikani-berikani (if you’re familiar with it) and the dancing after the dinner. Which was great—cause then I could go and dance!

Great view from the venue for the dinner, Malawi Sun, Blantyre

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