Saturday, 9 April 2016

Lenny Kravitz in London — Concert Pictures

Thought I should upload some old photos from a Lenny Kravitz gig at Club Koko in London in 2008. The camera I used back then wasn’t the strongest in low lighting but I hope you enjoy it anyway. Have loaded up some videos to YouTube and will add a few of them in this post. There are more of them on the YouTube account if you fancy. For those with backline-interests, I’ve added a couple of after-show shots of the stage. Some might argue that there are too many pictures in this post. Well, I’m sure you (read: ‘us’) super-fans don’t mind a bit of Lenny-overload. Especially happy if I can wake up some enjoyable memories for anyone who were there! Feel free to leave a comment. Enjoy! ;-)

Me & my Little Sis (Costume Designer Berit Haltvik With)
looking forward to the show kicking off

Band is just about to go on stage. Great
classic rock playlist at the venue!

Lenny Kravitz by Harald Haltvik

Lenny Kravitz by Harald Haltvik

Lenny Kravitz by Harald Haltvik

Lenny Kravitz by Harald Haltvik

Lenny Kravitz by Harald Haltvik
Craig Ross working his magic!

Lenny Kravitz by Harald Haltvik

Lenny Kravitz by Harald Haltvik

Lenny Kravitz by Harald Haltvik

Lenny Kravitz by Harald Haltvik

Lenny Kravitz by Harald Haltvik

Lenny Kravitz by Harald Haltvik

Lenny Kravitz by Harald Haltvik

Lenny Kravitz by Harald Haltvik

Lenny Kravitz by Harald Haltvik

Lenny Kravitz by Harald Haltvik

Lenny Kravitz by Harald Haltvik

Lenny Kravitz by Harald Haltvik
Backline pictures for tech-heads
Lenny Kravitz by Harald Haltvik
Backline pictures for tech-heads

'Mama Said'

'Let Love Rule' — Harold Todd Sax Solo and more

'Let Love Rule' — Soft Band Loud Crowd

'Love Revolution' — Lenny on Drums, Heavy Blues Groove

'Love Revolution'

'Love Revolution'
Party on Stage — Soul Train meets Heavy Blues Rock

'Are You Gonna Go My Way?'
Kicking off

'Are You Gonna Go My Way?'
Finishing Off and Leaving Stage